Our award-winning production team doesn’t just make television ads. Consensus has worked on some of the nation’s most successful viral video campaigns.
The idea is simple: Go to the press—or go around them.
Creating dynamic video content garners greater exposure, significantly higher click-through rates and far greater circulation than traditional emails or press releases. More importantly, digital videos get results. Watching a short message is usually more engaging than reading it—making your viewers more likely to receive your message and act upon it.
Increasingly affordable, the days of high-priced production, equipment rentals and expensive editing suites are a thing of the past. The proliferation of high-definition technology now enables nearly every organization, large or small, to make great videos for their clients, customers, donors and stakeholders.
Consensus Communications is one of the only firms in Florida that insources this capability, so that we can manage the message at every stage of production, from conception to delivery.
Consensus can work alongside your team to develop a broad array of videos, including:
Advocacy videos that convey your message directly to a target audience
Digital advertisements that promote content-sharing via e-mail and social media
Corporate videos for training, internal communications or public relations